Altar of Plagues - Mammal (2011)

Altar of Plagues was an Irish post-black metal band that unfortunately disbanded in 2015. Their influence on the genre is incommensurable, and this album stands as testament.

Mammal is an album not unlike others AoP has put out (excluding Teethed Glory and Injury). It continues the unique precedent set by White Tomb and Sol, by mixing atmospheric, dark ambient elements, sparse samples of Celtic folk music, and of course a biting and technical Deathspell Omega brand of modern black metal.

Revel in the destruction of humanity, by humanity. Genuflect to the gods of technocracy. Progress for the sake of progress.

Track Listing:

1. Neptune is Dead
2. Feather and Bone
3. When the Sun Drowns in the Ocean
4. All Life Converges to Some Center