Thorr's Hammer - Dommedagsnatt (1998)

Thorr's Hammer was a project of future Burning Witch/Goatsnake/Sunn O))) members Stephen O'Malley and Greg Anderson in collaboration with Runhild Gammelsaeter, a Norweigan foreign exchange student, in 1994-1995. They released one demo and one EP, and upon hearing their music it is crystal clear as to why O'Malley and Anderson have enjoyed so much success in the doom scene. Dommedagsnatt was their only EP, and it is very unique in comparison to other doom bands, especially at the time. The instrumentation sounds very much like that of Burning Witch, with droning, heavy guitars and sluggish tempos, but what makes this EP special is the vocals. It is difficult to believe that Gammelsaeter, a woman, produced the sounds that are recorded on this record--some of the gnarliest, lowest death growls I have ever heard. Along with these, there are some sections of pure, contemplative clean vocals that are a nice complement. Give it a shot, and if you like the vocals, be s...