Gene Moore - Carnival Of Souls Soundtrack (1962)

Carnival Of Souls is a film that I watched the other day that completely blew me away. It felt like a David Lynch-type movie that came out way before his time, a mixture of the "Hitchhiker" plot in The Twilight Zone and the movie Repulsion. But as this is a music blog and not a film blog, I'll just talk about the soundtrack.

The soundtrack itself wasn't released until 1998, probably because Carnival Of Souls was a B-Movie, and didn't receive the recognition it deserved when it first came out. The music is all original, and it is composed almost entirely of atmospheric, and often atonal, organ music (the protagonist is a church organist so it makes sense). The soundtrack also includes bits of dialogue from throughout the film that complement the organ music quite well.

For fans of Leyland Kirby, or The Caretaker, definitely check this out. The music is very similar in many ways.


fjaye said…
Yes, indeed -- one creepy movie! I've lost count of the number of times I've seen it.

Any chance of a re-up of the soundtrack?
Catfish said…
I've been away for a while so I just saw this--but yes, the link is now FIXED! :)