Wilburn Burchette - Opens The Seven Gates of Transcendental Consciousness (1972)

Not much is known about Wilburn Burchette, but apparently his music has been put into the spotlight by record collectors in recent years. And I believe for good reason! He custom-made his own guitar-like instrument ("impro guitar"), which he primarily used in his recordings, as well as a synthesizer. He released several albums over the course of the '70s, most of which being treatises on the occult, spiritual transcendence, and expanded states of consciousness. A lot of his records had full-color manuals included on how to listen to the music while in meditation, which is part of why his records are so valuable to collectors. This is his most well-known album, and I'm sure you will enjoy it if you like ambient music. It's dark and mysterious, while comforting at the same time, knowing this "Master" is guiding you via music through a spiritual realm that he seems to know well. Track Listing: 1. Dawn of Awakening 2. Regeneration 3. Transformat...